How will the Deed been Weighed?
Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Shalih Al Uthaymeen was asked:
How will men’s deed been weighed whereas it is just serve as an attribute for its doer?
The rule regarding this matter is – as we’ve said before – that we should be submissive and accept the news about it as it is. We don’t need to ask why and how. But there are also scholars – may Allah have mercy on them- who tried to answer such question.
They said that the deed will be changed into a certain form thus it’ll have a physical body. Then it will be put on the scale thus its weight can be measured.
They took an example from a valid hadith of the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-:
On the Last Day, death will be brought in the form of a sheep, then a caller will call the dwellers of paradise:”O dwellers of Paradise!” Then they turn up and crane their neck to see. Then the caller call, “O dwellers of Hell!” then they turn up and crane their neck to see. “What’s going on?” Then death is brought in the form of a sheep, and they will be asked, “Do you know what is this?”. They reply, “Yes.” Then death will be slaughtered between paradise and hell, and it will be said, “O dwellers of Paradise, forever and no death. And O dwellers of Hell, forever and no death!”.
We all know that death is an attribute, but Allah changes it into a distinct being. Likewise the deed will be changed into certain being then it will be weighed. And Allah knows best.
[Rewritten from the book “Fatawa Anil Iman wa Arkaniha” by Abu Muhammad Asyraf bin Abdul Maqshud, Indonesian title: Soal-Jawab Masalah Iman dan Tauhid (Question and Answer regarding the matter of Faith and Tawheed, Published by Pustaka At-Tibyan]
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