Gog and Magog

Who are the Gog and Magog ?

the Gog and Magog


Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Shalih Al Uthaymeen was asked, ” Who are the Gog and Magog?”

He answered:

Gog and Magog are two nations from the sons of Adam and they are already exist today,

Allah the Exalted declared, which can be translated as,

“until when he reached a place between the two mountains, he found beside the mountains a people who scarcely understood anything. They said: “O Dhu al-Qarnayn, Gog and Magog are spreading corruption in this land. So shall we pay you taxes on the understanding that you will set up a barrier between us and them?” He answered: “Whatever my Lord has granted me is good enough. But help me with your labour and I will erect a rampart between you and them. Bring me ingots of iron.” Then after he had filled up the space between the two mountain-sides, he said: “(Light a fire) and ply bellows.” When he had made it (red like) fire, he said: “Bring me molten copper which I may pour on it.” Such was the rampart that Gog and Magog could not scale, nor could they pierce it. Dhu al-Qarnayn said: “This is a mercy from my Lord: but when the time of my Lord’s promise shall come, He will level the rampart with the ground. My Lord’s promise always comes true.” (Chapter Al Kahf/the Cave: 93-98)

The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- had said, “Allah the Exalted will declare on the Day of resurrection, ‘O Adam! Stand up and ……..from the fire”,’, until finally he said, “Spread glad tidings, for indeed, it will be one from you and a thousand from the Gog and Magog.”

The breaking loose of Gog and Magog is one of the portents of the Hour which characteristics has been known since the time of The Prophet.

In a hadith from Umm Habiba -may Allah be pleased with her- it is said that one tense day, the Messenger of Allah went out of his house with a reddening face and said,

“There is no true deity but Allah! Woe to the arabs, by the evil of the breaking of the rampart of Gog and Magog like this.” And he gestured by clenching his thumb with his the rest of his fingers.”

[Rewritten from the book Fatawa ‘Anil Iman wa Arkaniha, by Abu Muhammad Asyraf bin Abdul Maqshud, Indonesian title: Question and Answers regarding the Matter of Faith and Tawheed. Published by Pustaka At-Tibyan]

Article of www.whatisquran.com

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