Patience over The Government's Policy

Patience over The Government’s Policy, and Obligations of Citizen

Patience over The Government’s Policy, and Obligations of Citizen

The Government and the Citizen

The main foundation to understand about the matter of interaction between government and their citizen is knowledge. Justice and injustice could only decided through knowledge. Thus, the whole religion is knowledge and justice, which opposites are injustice and ignorance. Allah the Holy and Exalted decreed, which can be translated as,

“but man carried it. Surely he is wrong-doing, ignorant. “ (QS. Al-Ahzab: 72)

Since men are very prone to be injustice and being emotional – which mostly done by the leaders, and sometimes the employee or common people, and on another time happened to others, then the knowledge and justice ordered in this matter is to be patient in facing the injustice and dictatorship of the leaders, as it is one of the principle of the Sunni. And as instructed by the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- through his numerous sayings, when he said,

“After I passed away, you will meet the selfish leaders; then be patient until you meet me at the lake (in heaven).”

He said,

“Whoever saw anything he disliked on his leader, should be patient on him,”

And similar hadith. He also said,

“Fulfill their right on you, and ask Allah for your right. ”

They are not allowed to fight their leaders, as long as those leaders are still praying. Because by that, the leaders still hold on to core of religion, believing in tawheed of Allah and they prayed to Him, and they still have goodness and leave some of wickedness.

As for the transgression and sins they did due to the permitted or non-permitted interpretation, then one is not allowed to vanish, change, or fight against it, since those changes or refusal will cause another transgression and wrongdoing, as the human’s habit to eliminate wrongdoing with something worse than that, and mend the transgression with something worse that that. That is because commencing a strike against the government will cause the worse oppression and wrongdoing than their own transgression.

Hence, the citizen must be patient in facing the wickedness of their government, as their patience when they ordered other to do goodness and prevent them from doing evil doings.

Allah decreed, which can be translated as,

“enjoin all that is good and forbid all that is evil, and endure with patience whatever affliction befalls you.” (QS. Luqman: 17)

“So bear with patience, (O Prophet), even as the Messengers endowed with firmness of resolve (before you) bore with patience,” (QS. Al-Ahqaf: 35)

“Be patient, then, (O Prophet), until the judgement of your Lord comes. For surely you are before Our eyes.” (QS. Ath-Thur: 48)

It applies on government and the citizen. If they, the government ordered with goodness and prevented evil doings, then it is a must to be patient in everything they’ll go through in Allah’s Cause, just as the warriors be patient in everything they’ve sacrificed, of their lives and their wealths; then being patient in bearing the mocking and humiliation over one’s honor is more excellent than that. Because the goodness of enjoining people to all that is good and forbid all that is evil will never be perfect but with patience, and an obligation which is not perfect but with certain deed, then the deed itself automatically becomes compulsory.

And among it’s category is the leaders of the believers country, since they must have patience that doesn’t burdened to other than them, just as they are ought to have courage and generosity that don’t apply to other than them, because the goodness of the government will never be achieved but with it. Also, the government must be patient over the wickedness of their people and their transgression, if the goodness will not be perfect without that, since if they left it, there will be more destruction than the previouse one. Hence, the people are also commanded to be patient over mistakes and oppression done by the government, if by doing that, they’ll not cause another worse wickedness emerged.

Thus, it is a must for both the government and the citizen to maintain each other’s right, as mentioned in a book titled “Kitab al-Jihad wal Qadha” (Problems of Jihad and The Court). Each other also should be patient and polite in every affairs they are in. That is why, being tolerant and patience is a must in both parties, as Allah mentioned is His decree, which can be translated as,

“and, then besides this, he be one of those who believed, and enjoined upon one another steadfastness and enjoined upon one another compassion.”  (QS. Al-Balad: 17)

It is mentioned in a hadith,

“The best faith is being generous and patience,”

And among Allah’s names are: al Ghafur, Ar Rahim. With his forgiveness, a leader will be able to forgive his people’s mistake and with generosity he’ll be able to grant them various benefits. Thus, it gathered two wonderful things: Inviting goodness and repelling the evil.

As for restraining oneself from violating the government and being fair to them, – whereas an obligation is far clearer than issuing for one’s right- need not have any explanation. And Allah knows best.

Source:  The Fatwa collection of Ibn Taimiyya, Author: Sheikh Al Islam Ibn Taimiyya. Published by : Darul Haq

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