Does the Asmaul Husna posses any excellences?
Assalamualaikum ustadz, I always visit your blog, and I found many beneficial informations from it. May Allah reward you with goodnesses.
I’d like to ask about a thing: In one of a Facebook wall, I read about the excellence of the name “As Salaam” (The One Who grants salvation). That is, if we recite “Yaa Salaam (O The One Who grants salvation)” for 136 times every day, by Allah’s permission, the disease that we’re enduring will be cured.
And the excellence of “Al Maliku” = “The One Who dominate/The King” :
If we recite “Yaa Maliik” (O The One Who dominate/O King” every morning or after the sun has downed for 121 times, then by Allah permission, one day we will be rich. But we should keep working diligently and try to seek for the sustenances, not just relying on prayer without making any efforts.
Is there any indications about this using of Asmaul Husna? May I copy your explanation to my Facebook wall so that I can spread it to my friends?
From: Abdullah
Wa’alaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
A muslim should not justify a deed and its excellence except for what is supported by valid indication and correct understanding of it.
And the opinion stating that each of the Asmaul Husna has a distinct excellence is an opinion without basis, and considered as innovation in religion. Likewise, repeating one particular name among the Asmaul Husna, it is also a deed without any supporting indications.
Sheikh Abdurrazzaq Ibn Abdul Muhsin Al-Badr -may Allah preserve him- said, regarding the mistakes occurred in the realization of Asmaul Husna:
فمن ذلكم نشرة توزع في الآونة الأخيرة درجت بين العوام والجهال، يزعم كاتبها أن أسماء الله الحسنى لكل اسم منها خاصية شفائية لمرض معين، فلأمراض العين اسم، ولأمراض الأذن اسم، ولأمراض العظام اسم، ولأمراض الرأس اسم، وهكذا، وحدد لتلك الأمراض أعدادا معينة من تلك الأسماء.
وهذا من الباطل الذي ما أنزل الله به من سلطان، ولا قامت عليه حجة ولا برهان، بل ليس في الأذكار المشروعة والرقى المأثورة إلا ما هو جملة تامة، وليس فيها تكرار لاسم بهذه الطريفة المزعومة في تلك النشرة، وقد ارتكب بهذا العمل جنايتين:
الأولى: إدخال الناس في هذا العمل المحدث غير المشروع
الثانية: شغل الناس عن الأذكار المأثورة والرقى المشروعة في الكتاب والسنة
“Among (those mistakes) is a pamphlet that is distributed lately among the common people and the unknowing, (in which) the writer thought that each of the beautiful names of Allah has an excellence to treat a particular disease; there are some particular names for the eye diseases, particular names for the ear diseases, particular names for the bone diseases, particular names for head diseases, and so on, by deciding for every disease, several of Allah’s names.”
“It is all sleazes of which Allah never revealed any indications about, (also) not based on evidence and clear explanations, even what revealed in the suggested remembrances and ruqyah, which have a basis of evidence, is a perfect sentence, without any repetition of name, as mentioned in that pamphlet.”
By this deed, the writer has committed 2 violations:
Firstly: Persuading mankind to do a new deed (innovation) which is not suggested in shari’a.
Secondly: Turning them away from remembrances and ruqyah that are suggested in the Qur’an and the sunnah. (See: “Fiqh Al-Asmaul Husna” page: 66-67).
The correct way to use the Asmaul Husna is by invoking Allah using those beautiful names, and invoking with a name of Allah that suits the condition of the one who invoke. Allah the Exalted decreed:
وَلِلَّهِ الْأَسْمَاءُ الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا وَذَرُوا الَّذِينَ يُلْحِدُونَ فِي أَسْمَائِهِ سَيُجْزَوْنَ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ) (الأعراف:180) )
“Allah has the most excellent names. So call on Him by His names and shun those who distort them. They shall soon be requited for their deeds. “(Qs. 7:180)
For example:
“Yaa Syaafi, isyfini” (O Supreme Healer, heal me).
“Yaa Rahman, irhamni” (O the Most Merciful, spare me)
“Ya Razzaq, urzuqni” (O Giver of sustenance, grant me sustenance)
Then the person should seek the causes to realize what he asked, such as working, seeking for treatment, etc, and leave the result to Allah alone.
And Allah knows best.
Answered by: Ustadz Abdullah Roy, Lc.
Mashallah boht khub