Admonition of Ramadan: Feed the Fasting Person
All praises be to Allah, peace and prayer of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions.
“All praises be to Allah….how fresh it is!”
“How relieving, now that my thirst and hunger have gone ! Your cookings are delicious, mother!”
That is how I guess your reactions will be after you broke your fast. Reactions depicting how delicious your food might be. Altogether, it showed how happy and pleased you were with your fast breaking. Of course you would, since you’ve passed a difficult day, where thirst, hunger, and fatigue mixed within you; and you were able to loose all by then.
The picture of you being among your beloved family, dined and broke your fast together was indeed beautiful.
The happiness you found among your family at the fast breaking time was just a minor part of happiness enclosed beyond your fasting. Happiness that you yet to feel is certainly much greater.
Hopefully, your family might find the rest of happiness disguised in your fasting.
Wouldn’t you want to know what is the second part of happiness that you supposed to enjoy with your family? Find the answer in this hadith of The Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- below:
لِلصَّائِمِ فَرْحَتَانِ يَفْرَحُهُمَا إِذَا أَفْطَرَ فَرِحَ، وَإِذَا لَقِىَ رَبَّهُ فَرِحَ بِصَوْمِهِ. متفق عليه
“”The fasting person will get two pleasures: pleasure when he broke his fast, and when he met his Lord later on he would be pleased with his fasting.” (Muttafaqun ‘alaih)
Brother! Think again about the smile you sparked when you ate your fast breaking foods. Nice, isn’t it?
But do you know that there are many brothers around you, whose faith and creeds are similar with yours, who – even though the calling for Maghrib prayer has came – couldn’t enjoy the pleasure and joy of fast breaking, moreover to share the smiles you’ve got? How could they felt it, when they couldn’t even stop the cries of their children.
Do you know what was the cause? It was simple: that is because even after the prayer calling has been announced, they should keep continued their fast; their hunger, their long thirst, and fatigue weren’t stopped yet. Because they didn’t have anything to eat, moreover delicious, various dishes to consume. They didn’t have a gulp of water to drink, moreover various juices and other fresh beverages.
Could you imagine how terrible their suffering was?
Don’t you feel touched to bring them together to share your joy at the fast breaking time?
Don’t you worry, Brother! Your aid to them wont lost in vain. Even, your happiness will be doubled by bringing them together to share your happiness.
مَنْ فَطَّرَ صَائِمًا كَانَ لَهُ مِثْلُ أَجْرِهِ غَيْرَ أَنَّهُ لاَ يَنْقُصُ مِنْ أَجْرِ الصَّائِمِ شَيْئًا . رواه الترمذي وابن ماجة وابن خزيمة وصححه الألباني
“Whoever gives food to a fasting person to break, he will get a reward like the reward of that person without diminishing to the least of his reward. “ (Narrated by At Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja, Ibn Khuzaima, and classed valid by Al Albani).
Imagine, if you feed ten fasting persons, you would get rewards as theirs!.
The more you give, the more rewards you get.
Brother, how many people that you’ve given food for their fast breaking?
Now that the chances are still wide open, be haste to grab the chance to obtain plenty of Allah’s rewards through this deed.
Dear Brother! Think about how lucky you are, if in this month which days are only 30 or 29 days, you are able to obtain fasting rewards of thousands day!
May you be successful in obtaining the most plentiful fasting rewards.
Peace and prayer of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions. And Allah knows best.
Author: Ustadz Muhammad Arifin Badri, M.A.
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