Before the emigration of the Prophet – peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-, this city was named “Yatsrib“. After the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him – emigrated to it, it was known by “Madinatur Rasul” (the city of the Messenger), and later people called this city by “Al Medina”.
The city of Medina possesses many names, about 29 names. Amongst the names are:
– Thabah (the good one). This name is based on a narration, telling that when the Prophet – peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- went back from Tabuk and intended to enter the city of Medina, he said, “This (Medina) is Thabah….” (Narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim)
– Thayibah. It is based on a hadith of the Prophet – peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- about Medina; “This is a city of Thayibah, which clears the impurities (of the hypocrites) as the fire clears the impurities from silver.” (Narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim)
– Al Mahabah and Al Mahbub
– Yatsrib. This was the name of Medina before the emigration of the Prophet – peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-.
The other names such as An-Najiyah, Al-Mubarakah, Al-Majinnah, Al-Marzuqah, Asy-Syafiyah, Al-Mahfufah, Al-Marhumah, Al-Qudsiyah, Darul Hijrah, and Al-Jabirah.
Geographical State
Geographically, this city is a plateau surrounded by mountain and hills, with a typical climate of desert. The highest temperature is around 30-45 Celsius degree on summer, and average temperature is ranged between 10-25 Celsius degree.
The virtue of Medina
The city of Medina possesses many virtues, as mentioned in many hadith. Among those hadith are:
– The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, “Indeed, Abraham had turned Mecca to a holy city, and I caused Medina to be a holy city (as well).” (Narrated by Muslim)
– His saying -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-, “Medina is a sanctuary from the ‘Aer mountain to such and such a place, and whoever innovates in it an heresy or commits a sin, or gives shelter to such an innovator or sinner in it, will incur the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the people, none of his compulsory or optional good deeds of worship will be accepted.” (Narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim)
– A saying of the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-, “Verily, Belief returns and goes back to Medina as a snake returns and goes back to its hole (when in danger).” (Narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim)
The meaning of this hadith is that the belief, or faith, will always head to Medina and live inside it, thus every believer will feel safe to live in Medina, due to his faith and his love for that city. (See: “Fadhlul Madinah”, by Sheikh Abdul Muhsin Al Abbas, page 4).
– The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him said, “I was ordered to migrate to a town which will swallow other towns.” (Narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim). The meaning of “swallow” is that the city of Medina will conquer other cities.
– The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- admonished his companions to be patient in living in Medina, although in destitute. He -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, “Medina is better for them (mankind), if only they knew.” (Narrated by Muslim)
– The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- invoked blessings for Medina, by his saying, “O Allah, bless our fruits, bless our Medina, bless our measurements…” (Narrated by Muslim)
– Dajjal wont be able to enter Medina. The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, “There are angels guarding the entrances (or roads) of Al-Madina, neither plague nor Ad-Dajjâl can enter it.” (Narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim)
– Prayers performed in Masjid Nabawi, masjid of the Prophet- peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- is better than in places other than Masjid Nabawi, but Masjid Al Haram. The Prophet – peace and prayer of Allah be upon him said, “One Salât (prayer) in my mosque is better than one thousand Salât (prayer) in any other mosque except Al-Masjid-al-Harâm.” (Narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim)
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