The privileges of the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- among other prophets 

The privileges of the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- among other prophets 

Author: Ustadz Said Yai, Lc.

The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- possessed many privilege which other people don’t, even some of it didn’t belong to the other prophets -peace and prayer be upon them-.

And why should we know about these privileges? The answer is that to be able to love the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- perfectly, we should recognize his privileges, hence we’ll be able to differentiate and compare his privileges -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- to that of the other prophets’.

Among the privileges of the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- over all prophets are:

His privilege: Allah has favored him with the greatest sign of prophecy and it exists within His book (The Qur’an)

The Qur’an is Allah’s words, that He sent down to Prophet Muhammad -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-, that yields rewards for its reader, started from chapter Al Fatihah to chapter An Naas. I need to emphasize that the Qur’an isn’t a creation, as some people who deviate from the creed of the ahl sunnah believe.

Why does the Qur’an become the greatest and the most splendid miracle of other miracles that were given to prophets? At least there are three reasons that I could wrote down here, namely:

Miracles of the prophets were given according to the condition of each prophet and his needs in his time. For example, the staff of Moses -peace be upon him-. His staff could morph into snake to defeat the sorcerers. We know that at that time, the sorcerers were deemed as the greatest men and were vastly admired. Likewise, the miracle that Allah gave to Jesus -peace be upon him-, of his ability to revive the dead. It was given to him to beat the healers who were aplenty at that time. Those days, the science of healing was very popular and was deemed very great, hence people’s dependence to it.

It is not the case of the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-, he was given the Qur’an which contains Allah’s words. The Qur’an defeated all the eloquent and genius men, the poets and wise men, they couldn’t rival the Qur’an until  the end of time. Because since the time Prophet Muhammad -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- was sent until now, people are more interested in intelligence, argumentation, and reasoning, compared to just physical power or health. Besides, the Qur’an is also able match the sorcerer and healer until the end of time, by reciting or giving ruqyah using the Qur’an. It shows us that the Qur’an is the greatest miracle.

The Qur’an couldn’t be comprehended except by people with knowledge and understand the Arabic language well

This is what differentiate the Qur’an from all other miracles. Miracles beside the Qur’an could be comprehended only by looking, listening, or feeling it with the five senses.

The Qur’an is valid for every human being and jinn, until the end of time. It is not the case with other holy books that Allah had sent down, for those books weren’t perfect and were exclusive for certain nations only.

These are several reasons why the Qur’an becomes the greatest miracle and the most splendid one. Whoever has studied the Qur’an profoundly, understanding its interpretation, and sciences that are related to it, will be more appreciative of the wonder of this miracle.

His privilege: The Qur’an contains the contents of the former holy books added with the mufashshal chapters [1]

The Qur’an is the perfect Holy Book that completes its predecessors, which is different from the other Holy Books. The Qur’an is timeless. This is a privilege that no other prophet had.

عن وَاثِلَةَ بْنِ الْأَسْقَعِ أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ -صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ- قَالَ: ((أُعْطِيتُ مَكَانَ التَّوْرَاةِ السَّبْعَ وَأُعْطِيتُ مَكَانَ الزَّبُورِ الْمَئِينَ وَأُعْطِيتُ مَكَانَ الْإِنْجِيلِ الْمَثَانِيَ وَفُضِّلْتُ بِالْمُفَصَّلِ.))

It is narrated from Watsilah bin Al-Asqa’ that the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, “I was given something that resembles the Torah, with seven (chapters)[2], and what resembles the Psalm, with Al Mi’in[3] and what resembles the Gospel with Al Matsani [4]. And I was given superiority with Al Mufashshal.”[5]

His privilege: The Qur’an contains the Nasikh and the Mansukh [6]

Allah the Glorified and Exalted had revealed the Qur’an in gradual fashion. The Islamic laws in it were also revealed in gradual until it eventually reached perfection. allah the Glorified and Exalted decreed,

مَا نَنسَخْ مِنْ آيَةٍ أَوْ نُنسِهَا نَأْتِ بِخَيْرٍ مِّنْهَا أَوْ مِثْلِهَا أَلَمْ تَعْلَمْ أَنَّ اللهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

“For whatever verse We might abrogate or consign to oblivion, We bring a better one or the like of it.  Are you not aware that Allah is All-Powerful?” (Chapter Al Baqara/The Cow:106)

This privilege didn’t belong to any other prophets. However, one thing to note is that the nasikh and mansukh inside of the Qur’an only apply for verses regarding the laws. As for verses that contain the unseen news, there are no nasikh and mansukh in it.

– His privilege: He-peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-  was sent to all of the jinn and human being

The Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- was sent to all mankind and jinn alike without exception and without singling out any tribe or nation from the rest. As for the other prophets, they were sent just to specific nation or people.

Allah the Glorified and Exalted decreed,

{ تَبَارَكَ الَّذِي نَزَّلَ الْفُرْقَانَ عَلَى عَبْدِهِ لِيَكُونَ لِلْعَالَمِينَ نَذِيرًا }

“Most blessed is He Who sent down this Criterion on His servant, to be a warner to all mankind;” (Chapter Al Furqon/The Criterion :1)

The meaning of to all mankind here is all of the jinn and human being.[7]

Allah the glorified and Exalted also decreed:

{ قُلْ أُوحِيَ إِلَيَّ أَنَّهُ اسْتَمَعَ نَفَرٌ مِنَ الْجِنِّ فَقَالُوا إِنَّا سَمِعْنَا قُرْآنًا عَجَبًا * يَهْدِي إِلَى الرُّشْدِ فَآمَنَّا بِهِ وَلَنْ نُشْرِكَ بِرَبِّنَا أَحَدًا }

“Say, (O Prophet), it was revealed to me that a band of jinn attentively listened to (the recitation of the Qur’an)  and then (went back to their people) and said:(1), We have indeed heard a wonderful Qur’an which guides to the Right Way; so we have come to believe in it, and we will not associate aught with Our Lord in His Divinity;(2)” (Chapter Al Jinn/The Jinn:1-2)

This verses also explained that jinn is included among Allah’s creation that received the burden to carry out Allah’s laws.

His privilege: He -peace and pryer of Allah be upon him- was helped before any battle with the growing of fear in the hearts of his opponent as far as one month distance
His privilege: He -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- was allowed to make the earth as the place for salat and as the tool for purification (tayammum)
His privilege: He- peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- was allowed to take the spoils of war
His privilege: He -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- was allowed to give intercession on the Day of Resurrection

The indication of these privileges is a hadith below:

  عن جَابِرُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ أُعْطِيتُ خَمْسًا لَمْ يُعْطَهُنَّ أَحَدٌ قَبْلِي نُصِرْتُ بِالرُّعْبِ مَسِيرَةَ شَهْرٍ وَجُعِلَتْ لِي الْأَرْضُ مَسْجِدًا وَطَهُورًا فَأَيُّمَا رَجُلٍ مِنْ أُمَّتِي أَدْرَكَتْهُ الصَّلَاةُ فَلْيُصَلِّ وَأُحِلَّتْ لِي الْمَغَانِمُ وَلَمْ تَحِلَّ لِأَحَدٍ قَبْلِي وَأُعْطِيتُ الشَّفَاعَةَ وَكَانَ النَّبِيُّ يُبْعَثُ إِلَى قَوْمِهِ خَاصَّةً وَبُعِثْتُ إِلَى النَّاسِ عَامَّةً

It is narrated from Jabir Ibn Abdillah -may Allah be pleased with him- that the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, “I have been given five things which were not given to any one else before me. -1. Allah made me victorious by awe, (by His frightening my enemies) for a distance of one month’s journey. -2. The earth has been made for me (and for my followers) a place for praying and a thing to perform Tayammum, therefore anyone of my followers can pray wherever the time of a prayer is due. -3. The booty has been made Halal (lawful) for me yet it was not lawful for anyone else before me. -4. I have been given the right of intercession (on the Day of Resurrection). -5. Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only but I have been sent to all mankind.”[8]

His privilege: He-peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- was given the privilege with the Friday

The jews have made Saturday as their weekly festive day. The christians have made Sunday as their weekly festive day. Whereas for the muslims, Allah had specifically chosen Friday as their festive day.

عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ نَحْنُ الْآخِرُونَ الْأَوَّلُونَ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَنَحْنُ أَوَّلُ مَنْ يَدْخُلُ الْجَنَّةَ بَيْدَ أَنَّهُمْ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ مِنْ قَبْلِنَا وَأُوتِينَاهُ مِنْ بَعْدِهِمْ فَاخْتَلَفُوا فَهَدَانَا اللَّهُ لِمَا اخْتَلَفُوا فِيهِ مِنْ الْحَقِّ فَهَذَا يَوْمُهُمْ الَّذِي اخْتَلَفُوا فِيهِ هَدَانَا اللَّهُ لَهُ قَالَ يَوْمُ الْجُمُعَةِ فَالْيَوْمَ لَنَا وَغَدًا لِلْيَهُودِ وَبَعْدَ غَدٍ لِلنَّصَارَى.

It is narrated from Abu Huraira -may Allah be pleased with him- that he said, “The Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, “We are the last (but) we would be the first on the Day of Resurrection, and we would be the first to enter Paradise, but that they were given the Book before us and we were given after them. They disagreed and Allah guided us aright on whatever they disagreed regarding the truth. And it was this day of theirs about which they disagreed, but Allah guided us to it, and that is Friday for us; the next day is for the Jews and the day following for the Christians.”[9]

The hadith also points out that we are the last of people, for whom the Prophet Muhammad -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- was sent to. Hence, this is a very clear indication regarding how there are no new prophet or people (ummat) after the people of the Prophet Muhammad -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-.

His privilege: He -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- was given privilege with the way Allah the Exalted called him inside the Qur’an, which showed his noble characteristics -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-

The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- was given this privilege, and no other prophets were given the same. Allah the Glorified and Exalted called him with, “O the Prophet! [10] and “O The Messenger!”[11] , and didn’t call him by name. It is different from another prophet. Allah called them with their names only.

Al ‘Izz Ibn Abdissalam said, “This privilege didn’t belong to any other prophets beside him (Prophet Muhammad) peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-. Every prophet was called by his name. Allah the Glorified and Exalted decreed,

{ وَقُلْنَا يَا آدَمُ اسْكُنْ أَنْتَ وَزَوْجُكَ الْجَنَّةَ }

(7) “And We said: “O Adam, live in the Garden, you and your wife,” (Chapter Al Baqara/The Cow:35)

And He decreed,

{ يَا عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ اذْكُرْ نِعْمَتِي عَلَيْكَ }

“Imagine, then, when Allah will say: “Jesus, son of Mary, recall My favour upon you” (chapter Al Maida/The Table Spread:110)

And He decreed,

{ يَا مُوسَى إِنِّي أَنَا اللَّهُ }

“”O Moses, verily I am Allah,.” (Chapter Al Qashash/The Stories:30)

And He decreed,

{ يَا نُوحُ اهْبِطْ بِسَلامٍ مِنَّا }

“It was said: “Noah! Disembark, with Our peace,.” (Chapter Hud:48)

And He decreed,

{ يَا إِبْرَاهِيمُ * قَدْ صَدَّقْتَ الرُّؤْيَا }

“We cried out: “O Abraham, you have indeed fulfilled your dream. ” (Chapter Ash Shaffaat/Saffaat:104-105)

…indeed, the position of someone whom Allah called with the best name and trait is more noble and closer to His side, compared to someone whom are being called by just his name.”

[12]. As for the mentioning of the Prophet’s name “Muhammad” inside of the Qur’an are not in the context of summoning, instead it just serves as proclamation.[13]

His privilege: It was not allowed for anyone to call him just by name, or to call him as he called another mere man

The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- was a noble prophet. Therefore, it was not appropriate to call him just like any other people.

Allah the Glorified and Exalted decreed,

{ لا تَجْعَلُوا دُعَاءَ الرَّسُولِ بَيْنَكُمْ كَدُعَاءِ بَعْضِكُمْ بَعْضًا }

(12) “(Muslims!) Do not make the calling of the Messenger among you as your calling one another.” (Chapter An Nur/The Light:63)

His privilege: Allah had sworn using his life

Allah the Glorified and Exalted had sworn with the life of the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- inside the Qur’an. It showed how noble the life of the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- was.

Allah the Glorified and Exalted decreed,

{ لَعَمْرُكَ إِنَّهُمْ لَفِي سَكْرَتِهِمْ يَعْمَهُونَ }

(13) “By your life, (O Prophet), they went about blindly stumbling in their intoxication.” (Chapter Al Hijr:72)

Ibn Katsir explained, “Allah the Glorified and Exalted swore by the life of the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-, it showed a great nobility, position, and high degree that he has.” [14]

We need to know that Allah doesn’t swear by His creation unless it has loftiness, greatness, and goodness. Swearing by creation is an exclusive right of Allah alone. As for His creations, they are not allowed to swear except with the names and traits of Allah the Glorified and Exalted. Whoever swears by the name of any creation has fallen into committing shirk.

His privilege: He -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- became the imam of prayer, leading the other prophets -peace and prayer be upon him- in Bait al Maqdis (Palestine)

It is as mentioned in the valid hadith, about the isra’ mi’raj when the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- went to the Night Journey

His privilege: The Split of The Moon

Allah the Glorified and Exalted had given the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- a privilege, that is by the split of the moon. It happened when the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- still lived in Mecca, before he emigrated to Medina. It was witnessed by a lot of people. Allah the Glorified and Exalted immortalized the miracle inside the Qur’an, in His verse:

{ اقْتَرَبَتِ السَّاعَةُ وَانْشَقَّ الْقَمَرُ }

(14) “The Hour of Resurrection drew near and the moon split asunder. ” (Chapter Al Qamar/The Moon:1)

It is also explained in a hadith below:

عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ -رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْه- قَالَ: انْشَقَّ الْقَمَرُ وَنَحْنُ مَعَ النَّبِيِّ -صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ- بِمِنًى فَقَالَ: (( اشْهَدُوا)).

(15) It is narrated by Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud, he said, “The moon was split once and we were with the Prophet – peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- at Mina. He -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, “Bear witness of it!”.[15]

Was it only seen in Mecca? Is there any proof suggesting that people outside of Mecca also saw  it?

The answer is,

(16) Yes, there is, as listed in a narration of Abu Dawud Ath Thayalisi in his “Musnad”, from ‘Abdullah Ibn Mas’us -may Allah be pleased with him-, he said, “The people of Quraish said, ‘This is the magic of Ibn Abi Kabsyah (they meant the Messenger of Allah) ….wait for the merchants (who returned from abroad). Indeed, Muhammad wont be able to bewitch everyone.” Then the said merchants arrived and said, ‘(Yes, it’s true), like that.'” [16]

Some people today deny this phenomenon, reasoning that there are no authentic evidences that explain about it and that certainly it would be seen from around the world. How strange their claim is, since they are able to willingly accept the historical records which in fact without any chain of narration, but when a news comes from the muslims, completes with the chain of narration, they deny it!

His privilege: The crying of a date-palm tree

Not only the companions who loved the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- dearly; even the things around him loved him a lot. In the past, the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- used to preach by a date-palm tree, then when he -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- saw that the date-palm tree should be replaced with another pulpit, he -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- ordered a carpenter to make a pulpit. When the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- moved to the new pulpit, the date stem cried, until its sound was heard by the companions.

The story is mentioned in a hadith below:

عَنْ ابْنِ عُمَرَ -رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمَا- كَانَ النَّبِيُّ -صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ- يَخْطُبُ إِلَى جِذْعٍ فَلَمَّا اتَّخَذَ الْمِنْبَرَ تَحَوَّلَ إِلَيْهِ فَحَنَّ الْجِذْعُ فَأَتَاهُ فَمَسَحَ يَدَهُ

(17) It is narrated from Ibn Umar -may Allah be pleased with him- that he said, “The Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- used to stand by a stem of a date-palm tree (while delivering a sermon). When the pulpit was placed for him that stem crying till the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- got down from the pulpit and placed his hand over it.” [17]

Isn’t amazing, how a date-palm tree could weep because of sadness due to the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- leaving it? Then how about us? We shall be more sad if we lost the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-.

His privilege: Allah had reported inside the Torah and Gospel about his arrival -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-

Anyone who looks carefully inside the Torah and the Gospel will find that the two holy books have brought the tidings of the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- and that he will be sent near the end of time. But if this revelation could not be found, it is still natural since the people of scriptures had changed by adding and reducing the content of these holy books.

Allah the Glorified and Exalted decreed,

{ الَّذِينَ يَتَّبِعُونَ الرَّسُولَ النَّبِيَّ الأُمِّيَّ الَّذِي يَجِدُونَهُ مَكْتُوبًا عِنْدَهُمْ فِي التَّوْرَاةِ وَالإِنجِيلِ }

“(Today this Mercy is for) those who follow the ummi Prophet,  whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel that they have.” (Chapter Al A’raf/The Height: 157)

(Taken from the book “‘Bersama Sang Kekasih di Surga’ (In Paradise with The Beloved”. By the author of this article. Published by Darussunnah)


[1] Short chapters from the Qur’an, started from chapter Qaf until chapter An Naas.

[2] Long chapters from the Qur’an, started from chapter Al Baqara until chapter At Tauba.

[3] Chapters containing a hundred or near a hundred verses.

[4] Chapters containing a hundred verses until the mufashshal chapters.

[5] Narrated by Ahmad no. 16982 and classified as good hadith by Sheikh Syu’aib Al Arnauth. [6] Nasikh means omitting the previous law. Whereas mansukh means the omitted law.

[7] Refer to Fathul-Qadir by Asy-Syaukani about interpretation of this verse.

[8] Narrated  Al-Bukhari No. 335 and Muslim No. 1191

[9] Narrated by Muslim No. 2017

[10] The phrase ‘Ya Ayyuhannabi!‘ was repeated for 13 times inside the Qur’an. For example, in chapter Al Anfal, verse number 64, 65, and 70.

[11] The phrase ‘Ya Ayyuharrasul!‘ was repeated twice inside the Qur’an, that is, in chapter Al Maida verse number 41 and 76.

[12] Refer to: “Bidayatus-Sul” by Al-‘Izz bin Abdis-Salam page. 38 (taken from “Khashashil-Mushthafa”page. 28)

[13] The mentioning of the Prophet’s name “Muhammad” – peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- in the Qur’an are in four places, i.e., chapter Ali ‘Imran:144, Al Ahzab:40, Muhammad: 2, Al Fath: 29.

[14] Tafseer Ibn Katsir  book IV page. 532

[15] Narrated by Al-Bukhari No. 3860. At least there were five companions who reported this phenomenon. They are Jubair bin Muth’im, Abdullah bin Mas’ud, Abdullah bin ‘Abbas, Abdullah bin ‘Umar and Anas bin Malik -may Allah be pleased with them-. Thus there is no reason left for people deny this phenomenon.

[16] Narrated by Ath-Thayalisi no. 295. Among the narrators there is Al-Mughirah bin Muqsim Adh-Dhabbi. Ibn Hajar commented about him, “Tsiqah mutqin illa annahu yudallis (trustworthy, only that he was a mudallis)…” (See: Taqribut-Tahdzib). Al-Mugirah narrated this hadith using the phrase “‘an’anah”. However, it has a supporting narration from Jubair bin Muth’im -may Allah be pleased with him- , which is reported by Ahmad in his “Musnad”  no. 16750. Except that the narration is interrupted, because from Hushain bin Abdurrahman to Muhammad bin Jubair, there is a narrator whose narration is unaccepted, he is Jubair bin Muhammad bin Jubair. Therefor, the first and the second hadith could strengthen one another, insha Allaah.

[17] Narrated by Al-Bukhari no. 3583.

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