Wonderful Story

Wonderful Story: The Angels Covered Abdullah Ibn Haram with their wings

The Angels Covered Abdullah Ibn Haram with their wings

Jabir said, “When my father was killed on the battle of Uhud, I opened the cover of his face and cried. The companions forbade me to cry, while the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- didn’t give any comment over my cries. My aunt was crying over my father’s death either.

At that time, the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, (which can be translated as),” Whether you cry for him or not, the angels will still cover him with their wings until you lift him up.”

In another narration, Jabir said, “The Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said to me, (which can be translated as), ‘Would you like me to tell you that Allah the Glorified and Exalted has spoken directly to your father?’ Allah decreed (which can be translated as), ‘This is My slave! Ask Me, that I will certainly grant you request.!’ The deceased replied, ‘I would like You to bring me back to the world (resurrect me), thus I may join more battle and killed in it for the second time.’ Allah the Glorified and Exalted explained (which can be translated as), ‘I’ve ordained that the dead cannot comeback (to the world,-ed).’ The deceased said, ‘If so, then tell the people after me about this.’ Then Allah revealed the verse,

وَلاَ تَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذِينَ قُتِلُواْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ أَمْوَاتاً بَلْ أَحْيَاء عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ يُرْزَقُونَ

‘Think not of those slain in the Way of Allah as dead. Indeed they are living, and with their Lord they have their sustenance,’ (Chapter Ali Imran/The Family of Imran: 169) (Narrated by Ahmad: 3/298; Al Bukhari: 1244)

Source of reference: 99 Kisah Orang Shalih (99 Stories of the Pious Men), by Muhammad bin Hamid Abdul Wahab, 5th edition, Shafar 1430/2009. Published by: Darul Haq.

Article of www.WhatisQuran.com

One comment

  1. DEVI SUSANTI says:

    Jazakillah for sharing useful stories.

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