Demonstration in Islam
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh
Ustadz, is there any indications that firmly forbid the demonstration? I heard from a friend that there was a story about Umar -may Allah be pleased with him- who lead a demonstration, but the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- just let him did it? May Allah rewards you with goodness for your kind answer.
Indeed there was a story as you mentioned, that is when Umar Ibn Khattab -may Allah be pleased with him- embraced Islam. He -may Allah be pleased with him- was walking in the front row, whereas Hamza -may Allah be pleased with him- (the uncle of the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him) was behind him -may Allah be pleased with him. And the muslims (in that story) walked on the roads of Mecca behind them.
Know that the story is not valid. It was narrated by Abu Nu’aim in “Dalail” and in “Hilyah”. There was a narrator -among its narrators-, named Ishaq Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abu Farwa, and the experts of hadith viewed him as matruk (a person whose hadith he narrated was rejected). (See: Silsilah Fatawa Syar’iyyah 1/14).
Note: Explanation about the forbidden state of democracy and demonstration, will be discussed in a particular article, insha Allah. Please search this website using the keyword “demonstration”.
Questioner: Ummu
Answered by: Ustadz Abu Ukkasyah Aris Munandar, M.PI
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