The Earth is as Pure as Water Author: Muhammad Abdul Majid (Mahasiswa Ma’had Ali Al-Imam Asy-Syafii Jember) At a time,
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The Earth is as Pure as Water Author: Muhammad Abdul Majid (Mahasiswa Ma’had Ali Al-Imam Asy-Syafii Jember) At a time,
Continue readingWhat is the meaning of Abandoning the Prayer? Question: Assalamu’alaikum Ustadz, The scholars held different opinions regarding the ruling for
Continue readingThe saying “By my father and mother”, is it considered as an oath? Question: Assalamualaikum. Ustadz, may Allah bless you,
Continue readingDemonstration in Islam Question: Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh Ustadz, is there any indications that firmly forbid the demonstration? I heard from
Continue readingOne who doesn’t Understand the Law of Transactions Should be Banned from Selling at the Market Requirement to get business
Continue readingServing the Non Muslim Question: Is it allowed for a muslim to give a service to the non muslims? If
Continue readingVisiting the Grave in Islam (Fin) 38- أفعال الناس عند القبور وزيارتها ثلاث أنواع: الأول: مشروع وهو زيارة القبور؛ لتذكر
Continue readingAs for telling lies or anything similar to that, there are no retribution for it, but indeed there are other
Continue readingRulings regarding Mushaf Trading The expert scholars in jurisdiction held different opinions upon the ruling regarding selling and buying mushaf
Continue readingThe major sin of an adulterer and homosexual/lesbian An already-married who committed adultery should be stoned until dead, as the
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