One who doesn’t Understand the Law of Transactions Should be Banned from Selling at the Market
Requirement to get business license
كان الإمام مالك رحمه الله يأمرالأمراء فيجمعون التجار والسوقة ويعرضونهم عليه فإذا وجد أحدا منهم لايفقه أحكام المعاملات ولايعرف الحلال من الحرام أقامه من السوق وقال له :
Imam Malik used to order to governor of Medina to gather the businessmen and merchants of the market to test them. Whenever he met a person who didn’t master the regulations and rules of Islam in business affairs, and didn’t have an ability to differ between the lawful and unlawful in business, he would ban him from selling at the market, and say to him,
تعلم أحكام البيع والشراء ثم اجلس في السوق فإن من لم يكن فقيها أكل الربا شاء أو أبى .
“Learn first the rules of trading, then you may start a business at the market. Whoever doesn’t master the laws of transaction, whether he is willing or not, will eventually consume the usury wealth.” (See: “Min Akhlaq Salaf”, by Dr Ahmad Farid, published by Darul Aqidah, page 88].
This narration from Imam Malik showed how close it is between the usury and trading transaction thus anyone who hasn’t mastered the matters of usury well but has traded is will certainly fall into the pit of usury.
The saying of Imam Malik above also highlights the importance of knowledge before deed, because one who performed a deed without knowledge would have a great chance of falling into mistakes without him knowing it.
From the previous citation we could also see that in the past, the mastering of laws of trading was one of the requirement to get a license to trade at the market, and that that license could be taken when a merchant was proven to have lack in mastering the laws of trading appropriately.
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