Could Allah be seen in this world

Seeing Allah in this world

Could Allah be seen in this world?



How could we defeat the deviant belief of the christians, which stated: It is said that Allah couldn’t be equalized with His creations, but in the Qur’an, it was told that prophet Moses met Allah in the form of light? May Allah rewards you with goodness.


Wa’alaikumussalam warahmatullah wabarakatuh

If we looked carefully the verse no. 143 from chapter Al A’raf/The Height, then we could conclude that prophet Moses didn’t see Allah, and that Allah could only be seen by the believers at the field of mahsyar and inside Paradise.

Ibn Abdil ‘Izz said, “All muslims agreed that no one could see Allah in this world with his own eyes. The muslims were not holding different opinions regarding it, except about our Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- (whether or not he had seen his Lord in this world, -ed).” (Refer to: Syarh Al-Aqidah Ath-Thahawiyah, published by Muassasah Ar-Risalah 1/222).


From: Sugeng

Answered by: Ustadz Abu Ukkasyah Aris Munandar

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