All praises be to Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon His messenger, and his family and all of
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The Wisdom Beyond The Gradual Phases of Revelation of The Qur’an
Al Qur’an (The Qur’an), was not revealed all at once to the messenger of Allah -Shallallaahu’alayh wa Sallam (may blessings
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Shahada (Testimony) in Islam
Definition of Shahada “Shahada/testimony” derives from Arabic words: shahida-yasyhadu-shahadatan. Etymologically, this word means: To tell a certain news. To show
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Prayer After Completing The Recitation of Qur’an
Is there any prayer after Completing The Recitation of Qur’an? Assalaamu’alaykum. Ustadz (the title of religious teacher in Islam), I
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The Beauty of Islam
Discussion on the beauty and excellence of Islam is, enormously vast, and it is difficult to summarize it within the
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What is The Reason for The Creation?
Question: What is the reason, or the causal, that Allah created human being? Answer: The reason of creation is for
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Our Prophet Isa Ibn Maryam (Jesus the Son of Mary) is Still Alive
Is Prophet Isa already deceased? Question: Assalamu’alaikum. The government has decided that This Friday will be national free day (holiday)
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Definition of Islam
Etymologically, the word ‘Islam‘ has several meanings. Amongst them are: Submitting and obeying. Islaf (salaf transaction): ordering of things by
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Rulings Regarding Mushaf (Quran) Trading
The expert scholars in jurisdiction held different opinions upon the ruling regarding selling and buying mushaf (A certain book contains
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Compilation of Al-Qur’an – Question and Answer
Assalaamu’alaikum warohmatullaahi wabarokaatuh Ustadz, I am a man who is still in the process of learning the knowledge of shari’a,
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