A Letter to My Beloved Sister about the Urgency of Studying Dear muslim sisters… Again, I’d like to give you
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A Letter to My Beloved Sister about the Urgency of Studying Dear muslim sisters… Again, I’d like to give you
Continue readingAdvices of Sheikh Ibn Baz for the Knowledge Seekers All praises be to Allah, peace and prayer of Allah may
Continue readingTo My Muslim Daughter All praises be to Allah. Peace and prayer of Allah be upon His messenger, his family
Continue readingBeing Steadfast in Allah’s Cause عن سفيان بن عبد الله الثقفي ، قال :قلت : يا رسول الله قل لي
Continue readingDo not Seek for Difficulty among Ease! Author: Muhammad Yassir. Lc (Lecturer at STDI Imam Syafi’i Jember) You might have
Continue reading“Converter Machine” inside Our Heart What we means by conversion tool is a tool that functions to transform a thing
Continue readingThe Urgency of Religious Knowledge Author: Abdullah ( Student at Ma’had Ali Al-Imam Asy-Syafii Jember) All praises be to Allah.
Continue readingAdmitting our Mistake As a human being, none of us are free from committing mistakes and sins. Whoever the person,
Continue readingAuthor: Ustadz Said Yai Ardiansyah, Lc, MA Orphan; upon hearing this word, we ought to think that, ‘what if I,
Continue readingThe Lion Rider When you see a person rides on a lion, he is able to control that beast as
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